You can’t just let your handgun safe be accessible to just anyone. You have to come up with a plan to have a handgun safe that will only be accessible to you with no one else potentially getting in its way. A biometric handgun safe just might be the key to making sure the things that you are storing are protected as well as possible. A biometric handgun safe is designed not with a key or a pad or knob that you can use for opening the safe but rather with a scanner that is capable of identifying your information
Continue reading »Author: SureSurvival
Four Quality Gun Safe Dehumidifier Options
Moisture can develop in all sorts of tightly enclosed spaces. This can be particularly dangerous for a gun safe. Moisture can cause the items in your gun safe to wear out and weaken to the point where they will rust or become jammed. The individual parts might weaken from all the compounds that develop inside your items. In addition, the odor that comes from excess moisture can be a hassle. It will create a musty and uncomfortable feel. A gun safe dehumidifier can protect the stuff in your safe from excess moisture, thus making it easier for your items to
Continue reading »Stack-On SS-22-MG-C Review
Stack-On is a corporation styled in making safes, filing cabinets, offering home storage solutions that span from hardware to sports, to hobby crafts, and security products that have been approved by the California Department of Justice as meeting their standards for firearm safety. Its main forte, however, is fire and burglar protection. The company began its operations in 1972, and has since diversified over the Atlantic into various countries and continents, and is considered today as one of the leading U.S. makers of quality storage solutions for homes, industries and offices. Since its debut, Stack-On has supplied a wide and
Continue reading »The Importance of Freeze Dried Food For Emergency Preparedness
No one knows when the next earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster will hit. Civil unrest can occur in a very short period of time and require that you have the means to stay indoors for at least 72-hours, or perhaps even longer. But what if you had to remain inside for a week? How about a month? While every household should have some type of emergency preparedness supplies, how many households have enough supplies to last one or two months in the event of an emergency? Many households stock extra pantry items such as canned foods along with emergency
Continue reading »The Importance of Freeze Dried Food For Emergency Preparedness
No one knows when the next earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster will hit. Civil unrest can occur in a very short period of time and require that you have the means to stay indoors for at least 72-hours, or perhaps even longer. But what if you had to remain inside for a week? How about a month? While every household should have some type of emergency preparedness supplies, how many households have enough supplies to last one or two months in the event of an emergency? Many households stock extra pantry items such as canned foods along with emergency
Continue reading »A Great Emergency Starter Kit at a Great Price
It is vital to have an emergency kit available to “grab and go”. But often we’ll put off getting it together because there are too many details to think about. That’s why so many people will be completely unprepared when an emergency strikes. These people are not stupid. Just human beings. And human beings procrastinate when things seem overwhelming. The key is to simplify. And a great way to simplify is to get a good starter kit that is complete with a backpack. If you think of extra items you’ll need then you can add them to the pack. But
Continue reading »An Easy Way to Test Your Water for the Most Dangerous Bacteria
What if you need to determine if your water supply contains coliform bacteria or e-coli? Do you take it to a lab? But what if the lab is very far away? What if they charge you more money than you are willing to pay? What if, after a disaster, there simply isn’t a lab available? What you need is a reliable, do-it-yourself test that is inexpensive and easy to use. Such a test kit is available and it is called the First Alert Drinking Water Test Kit (WT1). Here’s why you need it: – tests for the presence of coliforms
Continue reading »U.S. Army Survival Guide for Android
Download this Android app and put the entire U.S. Army survival guide on your phone, offline. Can install on sd card(2.2+). Based on the U.S. Army Survival Manual FM 3-05.70 Chapter 1: Introduction – Survival Actions – Pattern for Survival Chapter 2: PSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL – A Look at Stress – Natural Reactions – Preparing Yourself Chapter 3: SURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITS – Importance of Planning – Survival Kits Chapter 4: BASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINE – Requirements for Maintenance of Health – Medical Emergencies – Lifesaving Steps – Bone and Joint Injury – Bites and Stings – Wounds –
Continue reading »What is so good about the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter?
In an emergency or even on an extended excursion the most important word for gear is Reliability. And the Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter has Reliability written all over it. This filter has been adopted by military groups, relief agencies and serious outdoor enthusiasts for years. Features and Current Price Review You’ll see why when hold it in your hands. Its metal construction is extremely durable and rugged. Yet it only weighs 550 grams or 1.5 lbs. On top of that, its silver impregnated ceramic filter cartridge removes all pathogens down to 0.2 micron in size. That means all cysts and
Continue reading »2011 Resolution – Be Food Prepared
There are many people who took action to be food prepared at some point in the last five years. And now that it is 2011, they are not. Are you someone who bought bulk staples and tried to grow a sustenance garden – two, three, even five years ago? Did you watch the food go to waste unused and found you were too busy to keep it up? Now, how prepared are you? If on the other hand you bought a large freeze dried food reserve five years ago, you would still be as prepared in 2011 as when you
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