MRE or “Meals Ready to eat” are military-style food rations. There are two categories of MRE: Military MRE Commercial civilian MRE. Military meals ready to eat are made for the US military and the armed forces of other countries. They are sometimes sold on eBay but there is risk there as the military considers this illegal as they want to discourage theft of their property. There is also a risk as the age and storage conditions the MRE experienced before you bought it will be unknown perhaps even to the seller. Military MRE cased of 12 sell for as little as
Continue reading »Author: SureSurvival
Why you should make use of diatomaceous earth to fight bed bugs
We all have heard the stories of how bed bugs have made a resurgence in modern cities in the last few years. They are back in full force and resistant to most of the major chemical pesticides approved for use in homes. Diatomaceous earth is a well known dust-type pesticide that has been used for decades. It is effective. In fact, after researching this extensively, I have come to the conclusion that this most inexpensive solution is actually one of the best solutions. Diatomaceous earth comes in two varieties: food-grade and non food grade. Only the food-grade type should be
Continue reading »How to Protect Yourself from the Heat
Heat can be a killer. Even in a modern city, when temperatures soar during summer heatwaves, you can be killed by heatstroke. It is important to protect yourself. Small children and elderly can be especially vulnerable because they are less able to regulate their internal temperatures. But what if you have to be out in the heat, and you don’t have a cool air conditioned spot? What can you do to protect yourself? First of all, find shade. If you cannot get yourself out of the sun, especially if it is strong midday sun, then make sure you have a
Continue reading »Why you Need to Think About Insect Control in an Emergency
In an emergency situation, like an earthquake, hurricane or nuclear attack, insect control in the following days and weeks will be a problem. Controlling insects is probably not the most important concern that comes to your mind. Obviously, survivors will need to think about water, food, shelter and, in the case of a nuclear attack, protection from radioactive fallout. All these would be critical needs to address. In addition to these major concerns, though, you need to ensure you can protect yourself from insects that will be opportunistic and multiply rapidly especially in the first few days after a catastrophe
Continue reading »The Three Most Useful Knots
These three knots can quite possibly be the only knots you’ll ever need. It is not necessary or practical to try to learn every possible knot. Learn these three and you’ll handle many different types of situations. Adjustable Grip Hitch This hitch can be used to tie a rope to a solid object or to another rope. It grips securely and has the advantage that it can be used to form a loop that tightens or loosens by sliding the knot. Take the rope and pass it around the object to which you wish to secure it. Hold the free
Continue reading »What’s the Point of Survival Food Storage in a Modern World?
In a modern world to most having something like a survival food storage seems a bit silly. The idea of having access to food and goods at all times seems normal because most of our lives that’s exactly how it has been. There are situations that having a survival food storage is a good option to have. There are some situations where access to goods or ability to buy goods could be limited. Having a good 30 or 60 day supply on hand isn’t a bad idea. Job loss – For most people at any time their jobs can be
Continue reading »The Three Big Food Storage Mistakes Most People Make
If you are storing food long term for disaster, survival, or job loss, there are three very common mistakes that most people make. Look at your food storage habits and be sure you aren’t doing one of these. The first big mistake is storing food that you don’t like. While it’s not realistic to store months of food from your favorite recipes and dishes, you can’t have food stored up that you really don’t like eating at all. Put things into your storage supplies that you actually look forward to and enjoy eating. Be sure there are plenty of things
Continue reading »Why Freeze Dried Food is Better
What is it about freeze dried food that makes it a better choice for survival food? Freeze dried food is an “always prepared” survival food choice. Threats of disasters come and go and if you bought extra food that is not long storage, chances are you will throw it out or have food you can not eat when a disaster strikes. Freeze dried food is a “one-time” food preparedness purchase. Until disaster strikes you do not need to use it. You can wait up to 25 years for a disaster to strike before you will want to throw it away.
Continue reading »Wise Advice on Being Prepared for the Worst
Here is a great comment on being prepared from Tricia. We all learn from experience, and those who have experienced the worst are wisely the best prepared. Thanks for sharing, Tricia. Hi, my husband and I have been building up a supply of food for about 8 years. After Hurricane Ivan hit and left us with nothing we had to start over. Red Cross didn’t get to us for over a week, when the military came in they passed out mre’s and water. We ate the mre’s and going on the second week I was having trouble getting them down.
Continue reading »Choosing Survival Food
Which Survival Food is Best? Can you rely on government support, especially food and water within 72 hours a major disaster or even within a week? Or during a prolonged economic depression? Most everyone agrees that we shouldn’t depend on government emergency support. But only 7% have taken action to be prepared, according to the American Red Cross. What type of food reserve is best for survival preparedness? I have sorted through the pros and cons of various survival food options below with these needs in mind. Two options that you may not be as familiar with are MRE (meals
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