Good Advice for Some is a Recipe for Disaster for Others Most of us want to take action to mitigate the risk of trouble in life for us and our families. That is why most of us have home and car insurance, buy smoke detectors and gas alarms and have periodic safety maintenance of our homes and cars. Yet when it comes to disaster preparedness only 7% are prepared. Why? For most the perceived risk level is much lower than a house fire or other events that happen more frequently than a disaster so there are less desire and interest
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Water Storage Will Save Your Life Better Than Food
Did you know that it is more important to store clean water in case of an emergency than it is to store food? There are many reasons for this fact, but the first may or may not be obvious to you. Did you know that if there were a terrorist attack, that water supply would most likely be the first thing that gets cut off? Did you know that your city water supply is at a higher risk to be contaminated than the food in the grocery store is? In case of an emergency, you are going to want to
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Worth Repeating Survival and the Next Big Disaster: Rely on Yourself, Not the Government Emergency kits and first aid supplies can keep your family alive when food, water, gas, electricity, or medical services are disrupted by disaster (PRWEB) November 29, 2005 — Think you can rely on the government for your family’s survival after a disaster? Consider the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Wilma, and the Kashmir earthquake in the last year alone. While governments strive to help, downed gas, water, electric, phone, and medical services, not to mention roads, may delay help for days or weeks. And government
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